Colombian Postage Stamps
The Beauty and Diversity of Colombia in Every Stamp

Philately is the art of collecting postage stamps from Colombia and from anywhere in the world.
Would you like to collect stamps?
Do you know someone who is fond of philately?
We sell new and used stamps from Colombia, albums, different types of tweezers, gloves, magnifying glasses and more. We provide advice to new collectors.
We also buy your new or used stamps.

We put at your disposal a catalog with hundreds of new Colombian stamps for immediate delivery. Contact us right now and tell us which stamps you want, if you want to expand or improve your collection or if you want to start your collection from the start.
Please contact us at any time: email or Whatsapp text: (+57) 311 880 7480 and sending us a list or your wish list of stamps you would like and as soon as possible (usually within 24 hours) you will have the prices of your order. You can use the codes from the Scott, Michel, Stanley Gibbons or Yvert et Tellier catalogs or if you do not have the code, a photo of the stamp will suffice, as we can also send philatelic material recently issued by the Colombian post office that has not yet been catalogued, in the quantities and presentations required.
Click on the boat to see the photo album of Colombian postage stamps 2018-2023

We currently have a stock of different references between postage stamps, philatelic sheets, first day covers and complete sheets of stamps from the issues of the last years, all new and in perfect condition (Mint).
Our purpose is to put this inventory at your disposal, also guaranteeing you permanent access to the new philatelic issues of Colombia and with very low prices compared to the Colombian stamp market in the US.
We can also provide advice on issues related to the collecting of Colombian stamps.
Here you can download six free sample catalogs in pdf format of Colombian postage stamps from the last five years. We can also provide postage stamps from previous years or specific themes.
The sale prices depend on the number of postage stamps you wish to purchase, as the larger the quantity we will be able to offer you even more competitive prices.
Shipping method:
Postage stamps are sent from Colombia through DHL by registered mail that, at the buyer's request, can include insurance that covers the cost of shipping together with the cost of postage stamps up to US$400.
Payment metod:
Paypal offers a totally safe and satisfactory experience for buyers by benefiting from the extensive guarantees that Paypal offers, since 100% of your purchase is protected for up to 180 days, during
wich time you can request a refund for the total value paid which includes the cost of postage along with the cost of freight in case you are not satisfied with the transaction.
You can consult the buyer protection policies from your Paypal account or in this link.
We are open to any proposal and it will be our pleasure to answer all your questions. For bulky orders we can offer free shipping also via DHL.
Recent Colombian Philatelic Issues:

Beautiful compilation of birds and butterflies present in the 2018 stamp issue called "Risaralda Bird Festival" with species from the department of Risaralda in Colombia. Like this one, there are many who celebrate our biodiversity in full color with birds, butterflies, different floral species, etc.
A Beginner's Guide
in stamp collecting or Philately
Stamp collecting is a popular and rewarding hobby that takes place in Colombia and around the world.
Ever since the 20-cent tax stamp was first issued in Colombia in 1858 when the country was called the “Grenadian Confederation,” stamp collecting has been a great joy for millions of people.
An age-independent hobby that doesn't require any level of skill or experience to start a stamp collection and doesn't have to be expensive either.
Perfect for both children and adults, stamps can be fascinating and captivating. Beginners often rave about the beautiful works of art on display, while advanced collectors enjoy the challenge of finding a rare stamp or one that represents an important part of history.

What stamps can I collect?
Stamp collecting for beginners should be all about enjoying a rewarding hobby. There are no hard and fast rules and it's better to forget about whether your stamps have significant value and focus on finding the ones that bring you pleasure.
As is the case with other collecting activities, there are various approaches to assembling a stamp collection, such as focusing on a specific historical period or a particular theme or country.
While choosing a theme will help you organize your collection, if you want to keep interest in your hobby, always make sure it reflects your personal interests.
Here are some categories to consider collecting:
By Country: The stamps issued by each country are often a reflection of that nation and its history, making it one of the most common ways to order or compile a collection. You could try to collect at least one stamp from each country or focus only on stamps used in the same country.
By Historical Period: Creating a stamp collection defined by a historical period allows you to transcend national borders. Countries use different ways to define certain periods, and by choosing to focus on a historical event or known era, such as a war, you can collect stamps from around the world but within the context of a theme.
By Subject: If you already have an interest in a particular subject (planes, trains, cars, famous people, flowers, buildings, butterflies, etc.), you can search for stamp designs that relate to your current hobby. Often this will allow you to collect stamps from different countries and periods around a larger theme.
By Shape: To challenge yourself, you can try to locate stamps that have an individual or unusual shape. Or perhaps you want to create a collection that is made up entirely of non-rectangular stamps, allowing you to search for issues that are triangular, circular, square, or other shapes.
By Color: Rather than limit yourself to a particular theme or shape, you may want to build a collection based on a certain hue or color palette. This can often give you more freedom to explore stamps from different countries and periods.

How much will it cost me?
It is possible to start a stamp collection without spending a significant amount of money. Getting an interesting collection with little expense is entirely possible.
When you start collecting, it might be a good idea to consider how much you can spend and budget accordingly.
At Stamps of Colombia we can guide you in case your budget is relatively small, we have interesting offers where you can get a package of 50, 100, 150 or more different stamps for little money. You can contact us at the cell phone 311-880-7480 that we will gladly advise you.
Do you want to make your investment profitable? This is another important question to consider and we can also advise you on this.
Not everyone collects stamps as an investment, most people do it for the fun of it.
However, if your primary motivation is to quickly recoup your investment, you're better off collecting more expensive stamps. Demand for high-quality stamps that originated before 1950, for example, can often exceed supply and lead to higher prices.
Before making a final decision on whether to collect a certain item, take some time to do some research and check availability. It may also be a good idea to look at our price list.
If you ever purchase a stamp that you believe has significant value, please contact us for a FREE evaluation.
Where can I get stamps?
With us you can buy stamp packs, a great and very cheap way to get hundreds of used stamps to start a new collection, thus enjoying a wider variety of stamps and not multiples of it .
Save Used Stamps: Ask your friends, family, or maybe an acquaintance to collect stamps for you. Anyone who receives domestic or international mail may have stamps that are of special interest.
New stamps: With us you can buy unused commemorative stamps.
Trading Stamps: Once you acquire some duplicates or stamps you are not interested in, trade them with other collectors or you can offer us your repeat stamps and we can make you an offer or propose to trade you for new stamps.
How can I identify the stamps?
Identifying stamps is one of the most difficult aspects of stamp collecting for beginners.
Initially, it's always a good idea to collect stamps that you like or enjoy.
Once you have more experience and knowledge, you may need to consult books, catalogs, or specialized guides for stamp collectors.

How should I store my stamps?
Stamp Albums: As a general rule, it is not worth buying those expensive albums, known for being covered in genuine leather and with certain specifications to store stamps in them until you have a collection that can justify purchasing a luxury album. We offer you a classifier album that is really economical, practical and therefore easy to use, in addition to making your collection look organized, presentable and protected. Our loose-leaf album in a vinyl binder,it offers perfect levels of protection and allows you to reorganize the collection when necessary, inserting new pages. Fixed-sheet stamp albums look great, but they're less versatile. Collectors often classify their stamps into pages and rows, based on the theme or theme of their collection.
Store your album safely: Bright lights, temperature changes, and humidity can damage a stamp collection, so it's a good idea to avoid storing them in a poorly ventilated closet or basement.
What philately equipment do I need?
As a beginner, you can be tempting to spend a lot of money on accessories to get started. However, it makes much more sense to spend a modest amount on the basics and buy more stamps with the rest.
After getting some stamps, the 3 most important things you will need are:

An ace tweezers: Known as stamp tweezers, good tweezers will allow you to easily pick up stamps from a flat surface and handle them without leaving traces on them, avoiding impregnating them with the sweat of our hands. Consult with us to recommend between the different types of tweezers that we sell.
Magnifying glass: Use of a good lens will allow you to see the fine details of a stamp design and are suitable for most beginners. We can offer you magnifying glasses with built-in light at a really low price.
New bags with hermetic closure type "zip-lock": They allow to store the stamps that we have not yet put in the classifier album, which protects them from dust, humidity and deterioration due to rubbing with other elements.

Great enjoyment and a piece of history:
The first series of stamps was made by the brothers Celestino and Jerónimo Martínez who signed the first contract to make them in the Granada Confederation. The face values were 2 1/2, 5, 10, 20 cents and 1 Peso.
The second issue appeared in 1860 and the third in September 1861, under the name of the United States of New Granada. The fourth expedition followed soon after, bearing the inscription "United States of Colombia." Four more issues completed the classic period in 1868, for a total of 42 stamps.
At that time, Colombia had around 5 million inhabitants, a large number of people could not read or write, and communications between Colombia and the rest of the world were limited to a few commercial companies. The main route to the ports was by ship via the Magdalena River and it took at least two weeks to reach the coast.
The transport of the mail, as well as its distribution, was in the hands of companies contracted by the government. The amounts printed were extremely small compared to any other country during that period. For this reason, Colombian stamps are very scarce today.
Of the 42 stamps, only seven full sheets are recorded, and with some stamps a pair represents the largest known multiple. Various attempts have been made to reconstruct the remaining seal sheets, but even after 150 years this task has not been completed. Then 39 of the 42 stamps have been counterfeited, mainly due to collector demand and small numbers printed. Therefore, it is quite notorious that these items have become highly valued from a cultural, historical, and monetary aspect.
If you choose to start a stamp collection, you will not only gain great personal satisfaction, but you will also join a large global community of people who share a love of history, art, nature, and cultural diversity.